I’ve Moved!

I’ve taken my journey to a new address on the world-wide-web. If you are interested in staying up-to-date, please visit me at SimplyWholly.com

I will no longer be maintaing this blog.

I wish you all continued success, positivity, mental, physical and spiritual wellness!

Be well, Lisa

And so it begins…

On 1/7/15 I was diagnosed with Relapsing and Remitting Multiple Sclerosis and this blog was born. The intent of this blog is to be an outlet for me to express myself as well as a respite for others that may need some camaraderie and inspiration.

I have chosen “farm” over “pharma” (for now). I know the wonders and power of modern medicine and I certainly do not argue its place. However, I also know the power of the mind-body connection and the impact that nutrition plays in our daily lives to support that.

I don’t believe in coincidences and without going into too much detail, let me say that this diagnosis isn’t shocking given the speed and trajectory of my life. While the diagnosis may be a rude awakening, it’s more importantly an opportunity for a fresh start. A chance to take control of my life and really start to put myself, faith, family and friends where they belong – at the top of my priorities. My life depends on it. I’ll be fighting this fight with a heavy dose God, greens and garland pose.

I am ecstatic to be able to share this journey with you. And hope to hear from you as well.

“Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment, are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment. There is a hidden meaning behind all events, and this hidden meaning is serving your own evolution.”  – Deepak Chopra


Today I’m wearing my perspectacles as I sit at Dana Farber Cancer Center. My diagnosis pales in comparison to the many beautiful adults and children that are fighting for their lives here.

That includes my mom who has been battling Stage IV Melanoma for the last 4 years!  That alone has been it’s own miracle.

While her cancer is terminal, we come in for scans every three months to monitor the disease’s progression. So far, it’s been “stable”.

Hopeful for another “stable” report today and continued health. She doesn’t have a single ache or pain yet although cancer has invaded her whole body.

And because life can’t help itself but to throw more at you, when we walked in my phone rang and I learned that my beloved Godfather (her brother) was just diagnosed with thyroid cancer. The journey begins for another.

So whenever you are feeling low, remember to put on your perspectacles. Life can be so harsh but is much, much more beautiful if you stop and absorb each and every moment.

Daily Mantras

As part of my commitment to whole living, I focus on keeping my mind, body and soul healthy. Mantras have become a part of that practice.

Here are my daily mantras. I repeat them at the start of my day and any time throughout when I need to recenter myself. Enjoy!

  1. I choose to be present*
  2. My heart is open**
  3. Everything is unfolding for my highest purpose***
  4. I give it to God and I release control of it****

*I have a terrible (and normal) habit of skipping ahead and/or worrying about things that simply don’t need my attention at that moment. For example, instead of enjoying the quiet of my sweet baby in my arms, my mind starts racing about all the chores I am not doing. Or the one that my husband hates…Instead of relaxing together for a couple hours before bed, I try to catch-up on work (face in my Mac) or I am “Face-Spacing” as he calls it!

**I visualize there being a big, beautiful door that is open on my chest with glowing rays from the son pouring down and warming its wood. I am open for business life!

***This is faith. Pure and simple. Whether you are comfortable with God, the universe, your angels – whatever. The faith that what is meant to be for you will be and that it is pure and good. While this is my #3 mantra it may be my most important

****For this control freak, this right here has been a huge obstacle. Even now I am constantly trying to find ways that I can control my MS experience, my health, the progression of the disease, my career, my family life, my money – need I say more?! After that first acknowledgement that I have no control over this whatsoever and restating #3 many times over, I have no surrendered to the plan for me. It’s a wonderful, bright, incredible journey and I have not a clue what comes next! The freedom from control has been so liberating. 


Early Signs Of Alzheimer’s Disease Found In Patients As Young As 20

Link to full article on Yahoo!: Early Signs Of Alzheimer’s Disease Found In Patients As Young As 20

Quick Summary. 

Alzheimer’s disease may not be just for grandparents to worry about: New groundbreaking new research from Northwestern University has found that amyloid protein — a hallmark of the devastating disease — starts accumulating in brain neurons of people as young as 20 years old…

…So what does this mean for you? First, know this: “In this study, we didn’t have a huge number of brains,” says Geula. “And this doesn’t mean that because young people have a measure of amyloids that everyone is going to get Alzheimer’s. It’s not an alarm.”…

…But there are susceptibility factors (that science knows a lot about) — and protective factors (that science doesn’t know as much about) — when it comes to Alzheimer’s, Geula says. “We have known for a while that if we want effective therapy for Alzheimer’s, we have to start early. What these findings suggest is the earlier the better.”…

1. Kick bad habits—stat.

2. Clean up your diet.

3. Work it out.

4. Better your brain.

My Takeaway.

There is no downside to this anti-inflammatory, low-stress, high positivity lifestyle that I am committed to. If anything, this finding only reinforces the benefits of really committing to your life by focusing on the health of your whole self: food, fitness and mind-set.

Is your food causing inflammation?

Another thoughtful piece from Seta Health!

Seta Health

One of my teachers at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, Dr Andrew Weil, referred to inflammation as the “silent killer” and while the word “inflammation” made me think at the time of the type of visible redness that can be seen on the skin when its irritated. I soon learned that he was speaking of chronic low-level inflammation. The type of inflammation that is responsible for chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, heart disease and obesity.

If inflammation is the common factor in all these major illnesses including autoimmune disease, what the heck was causing it and what could be done to stop it?

Inflammation is caused by many factors in our lives. The first of which is diet. To start with, any food or drink that spikes our blood sugar and sends it back down on a roller coaster ride results in inflammation in our bodies. In most peoples diets…

View original post 341 more words

Sticking to the plan

We met with Dr. Jacobe Sloan at BIDMC here in Boston. And no surprise to anyone, he re-confirmed that I indeed do have MS. I’ve already settled into this disease of mine and it has had such a profound and positive impact that I would have been thrown for a total loop had he said anything other than that.

We went through my scans again and he pointed out all the areas that were responding to contrast on my brain and spine. Again all old news.

The only one surprised was the Doctor when he found out that his hospital actually sent me home with a diagnosis of exhaustion after my first episode and having been admitted for 2-days.  In hindsight, I was really not in a mental place to be dealing with any of that during that time. Everything happens when it’s supposed to.

He suggested two treatment options. Copaxone, which he sees as the best option for me based on my disease status/stage and plans for a pregnancy. Copaxone, as it was explained to me, takes 6-months of injections (7x/week or 3x/week) before it’s fully effective. However, it is not known if it will harm my unborn baby or if it will pass into my breast milk. The second option, which is pill form and only takes 6-weeks to begin to work is Tecfidera. Just like Copaxone, it is not known if it will harm my unborn baby or if it will pass into my breast milk. )If you’ve had any experience with either of these drugs while pregnant, I’d love to hear about it.)

What does this mean for me? It means, I’ll be sticking to my plan. No drugs until after I have had my next child and I am done breastfeeding. I am open to revisiting that plan though if my scans in August show progression of the disease or if I experience a relapse between now and then.

Until then, I stay focused on very clean eating and adhering to my anti-inflammatory diet, my supplement regimen, yoga/barre classes and simplifying everything in my life. It’s been a really backwards thing for me to be putting myself first. But in really it just “feels right” and I have never felt like my family or the other people that depend on me are suffering bc of it. If anything, we all are benefiting from it.

It’s quite an amazing thing.

“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase,
just take the first step.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Recipe of the Month: Molly Steven’s Elemental Braised Cabbage

Favorite Recipe this Month is Molly Steven’s Elemental Braised Cabbage. Seriously, who knew! I never thought that I would truly like cabbage. But i do! I love this stuff. To be fair, I also use carrots, parsnips and onions in this recipe. It take a while to cook but it’s so darn good. The recipe is following the image.

It’s amazing how I could never lose 5lbs when I wanted to before my diagnosis and now that I have a laser focus on fueling my body for health, I am not only more energetic but I have lost 10lbs!

2015-02-15 17.09.54


3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus 1½ tablespoons for the dish

2 pounds green cabbage, cut into 6 wedges

Salt and black pepper

2 medium carrots, peeled and cut into thick coins

1 large onion, sliced thick

Pinch crushed red pepper flakes, or more, to taste

2/3 cup low-sodium chicken broth, plus 3 tablespoons, if needed

1/3 cup thinly sliced scallions, whites and greens

Lemon wedges, for serving, optional

PS: I added parsnips as well bc I had them in my fridge!


With the rack in the middle position, heat the oven to 325 degrees. Smear a large baking dish with 1½ tablespoons of oil. Add the cabbage, turn to coat with oil, and arrange in a single layer (if necessary, overlap thin sides). Sprinkle with ¼ teaspoon salt and black pepper to taste.

In a medium bowl, toss the carrots, onion, 3 tablespoons oil, ¼ teaspoon salt, and black pepper to taste, then scatter evenly over the cabbage. Sprinkle with red pepper flakes, add the 2/3 cup broth, cover the dish tightly with foil, and braise until very tender, about 1¾ hours, turning the cabbage after 50 minutes. Remove the foil, adjust oven temperature to 450 degrees, and roast until the vegetables brown a little, 15 to 20 minutes (if the pan begins to look too dry, add the extra broth). Serve hot, warm, or at room temperature. Sprinkle with scallions just before serving with the lemon wedges, if using.

This is totally worth the wait! Hope you enjoy as much as I have. Bon appétit!

Reference: http://www.bostonglobe.com/magazine/2014/10/11/recipes-for-braised-cabbage/v9ZhyvVkzYx1n9fW5m6NwI/story.html

Making time for me

It’s been a couple of weeks since my last post. I needed some time breathe deeply, read freely, and be contemplative.

In that time we have had more than 7ft of snow (and the Pats won the Superbowl!) Recording breaking, historic amounts of snow and cold. Two blizzards this winter! It has been tough to say the least, but I have been able to find some solace in the quiet and bright soothing white. It is the perfect setting for mindfulness and visualization – which I practice daily.

My husband doesn’t necessarily have the same feelings about it. But, my son seems to be enjoying it!

2015-02-15 14.02.25

2015-01-28 14.13.13

I also had my first session with Molly Hammil. It was eye opening, reaffirming and healing. Since our session I have put into practice a number of the recommended techniques. Stress is a trigger for symptoms that I would rather not have. But stress is not going to go away, however it can be managed. I am making more time for yoga and I have started Barre classes as well.

I have also really been good about finding time for healing visualizations. I do them on the train, in the shower, laying in bed at night. Really any time I can get 30 seconds to just me. I envision ribbons of violet running over my brain down my spine and out to each extremity and bursting into bright while light. At the very least, it is a peaceful time for me. But at the very best, this technique along with my strict attention to nutrition and exercise, has contributed to the cessation of the tingling in my right hand and arm.

I also started reading The Gifts of Imperfection by Dr. Brene Brown. So far, so good.

I realize that my resistance to starting drugs may not be popular, but there are many people that have successfully controlled the progression of their disease this way. I believe in the power of my body and mind. And my faith in the reality of miracles is all I need – for now.

Second opinion on Monday. We’ll see what this Doc has to say.